Browsing Tag
Voice of Silence
12 posts
February 5, 2022
Yoo Ah In Says ‘Burning’ Is the Work that Made Him Who He Is Now
Yoo Ah In is one of the busiest actors in the industry. Despite the COVID-19 situation, he released…
September 17, 2021
Yoo Ah In Made the Cover of Marie Clarie’s BIFF Special Edition
Yoo Ah In made the cover of Mari Clarie’s BIFF (Busan International Film Festival) special edition. Earlier this…
September 9, 2021
Yoo Ah In and Jeon Jong Seo Nominated for Best Actor and Best Actress at the 15th AFAA
Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA) announced the 15th Asian Film Awards (AFA) nominations. The AFAA is an organization…
December 8, 2020
Yoo Ah In in Talks to Star in New Crime-Comedy Film’ Seoul Vibe’
Yoo Ah In is considering his appearance in the film Seoul Vibe (literal title). [visual-link-preview encoded=”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”] Earlier today,…
November 30, 2020
[PICK] Korean Indie Films Starring A-list Stars
Edited by Hong Hyun Jung Translated by Kim Hoyeun There are films that may lack entertainment shown…
November 16, 2020
[KOREA Box Office] Movies that Have Surpassed Break-Even Points This Year
The days when the “10 million viewers” movies were born are now in the past. With the spread…
November 11, 2020
Check Out the Nominees for 41st Blue Dragon Film Awards
While the 41st Blue Dragon Film Awards announced the final nominees for the awards, fierce competitions are expected.…
October 18, 2020
Yoo Ah In Makes Yet Another Hit This Year with His New Film ‘Voice of Silence’ Following ‘#ALIVE’
Voice of Silence, starring Yoo Jae Myung and Yoo Ah In, blasted into third day at No. 1…
October 14, 2020
Yoo Ah In Says He Wanted to Betray the Images that People Expect from Him
Yoo Ah In returned with his new film Voice of Silence. In this rookie director’s crime movie, he…