Jung Hae In graced the cover of Men Noblesse.
In the interview that followed the photoshoot, the actor shared his experiences of shooting the travel variety show Actors Are Traveling (literal title) and his anticipation for the release of Netflix’s D.P. Season 2.
For Actors Are Traveling, which he recently filmed in Scotland, Jung teamed up with Yim Si Wan. “We haven’t known each other for very long before the trip, but it definitely gave us the opportunity to get to know each other better,” he shared. “It was great to catch up and share stories that we’d been keeping to ourselves. Interestingly, after spending nearly 10 days together, we realized we have quite similar tastes.”
He then added, “Usually, food is where disagreements arise when traveling, but neither of us is picky about food. We also share a similar attitude towards travel. For instance, neither of us likes to meticulously plan our daily activities, we prefer to go with the flow.”
#제작지원 #MenCoverStory 이번 호 커버를 장식한 태그호이어 x 정해인 의 무빙 커버를 공개합니다.⌚️🔥부드러움과 강인함이 교차하는 이들의 짜릿한 만남을 지금 감상해보세요.
앞으로 공개할 화보와 영상에서 더욱 다채로운 모습을 만날 수 있습니다.🙌#TAGHeuer #junghaein pic.twitter.com/TVv4iWhL6s— Men Noblesse (@MenNoblesse) June 22, 2023
With the highly anticipated D.P. Season 2 on the horizon, Jung Hae In expressed his excitement for the release. “The story isn’t drastically different from the first season, it feels more like a continuation split into two parts. It wouldn’t be a problem to start watching from Season 2, although I’d recommend starting from Season 1 for the full experience,” he responded. “Among all my scenes, I remember the action sequence the most. They’re not flashy, but rather brutal. I’m curious to see how they’ve turned out.”
When asked about the parallels between himself and his D.P. character Jun Ho, Jung answered, “I think that’s why I was cast.” He explained, “”At times, we’re both serious, and at others, we can be a bit eccentric. I may seem serious, but I try to lighten the mood with a joke now and then.”

Jung also shared some introspective thoughts on the weight of his words and actions, especially during interviews. “As my environment changes, I change, but once something is said, it leaves a mark. The weight of my words and actions feels heavy, and I find myself continually reflecting and pushing myself to do better,” he mused.

>> Jung Hae In Teases His Upcoming Projects: ‘D.P. 2’ on Netflix and Movie ‘Veteran 2’
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