Shin Ha Kyun appeared on JTBC Newsroom and expressed his thoughts on Beyond Evil and Lee Dong Sik.
JTBC Beyond Evil is a psychological thriller that digs into multifaceted human nature through two men chasing 20 years of the murder case. Released on Netflix after its finale on April 10th, it has been keeping its place in the TOP 10 Korean content.
Q1. Lee Dong Sik is a morally ambiguous character who is not purely evil or purely good.
It didn’t matter if he was good or evil. After reading the script, I thought it could become a series that people can watch twice. So I wanted the viewers to have different perceptions when watching it for the second time. I tried to deliver the fun of the genre but to the extent that it does not undermine the pain or sadness that Lee Dong Sik has. I wanted to carry out both together.
Q2. Did you expect great interest?
No, I didn’t. I just hoped I could deliver the story effectively.
Q3. What did you want to convey the most?
Filming the series, I learned that missing adults are considered simple runaways. Also, in thrillers, the focus is usually on criminals and incidents themselves, but I liked that this show revolves around the victim.
Q4. What was the best line?
There’s a line I say at the end. “Eat well, sleep well, poop well.” To be honest, the line didn’t resonate with me when I first read the script. But while acting, It brought up such strong feelings out of the blue. In reality, that’s all it is. That’s what life is all about. This is the line I told Joo Won, but also I think it might have been what I wanted to hear. I’m getting emotional even now.
Q5. Many people call you Ha Kyun ‘Shin'(same pronunciation as God in Korean). “God of Acting.”
I think it’s just how they call me in English. I’m not being humble or anything. But I’ve never felt that I am a gifted actor. I always feel insecure and regretful. I constantly reflect on myself on my way home from filming, looking out the window.
Q6. Are you strict with yourself?
From the beginning of my career to now, I always have received too much love for my skills and talents. I do what I do because it’s so nice that someone like me who is not eloquent can communicate with people by acting in a story. I’m not good at interviews, but I want to keep communicating with people in series and stories.
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