Song Joong Ki Says He Felt Connection to His Role in ‘Space Sweepers’ Because He Too Has Fallen into Pieces Then

Credit: Netflix

Song Joong Ki talked about the role he played in the upcoming space SF film Space Sweepers.

On the morning of Feb 2, the press conference for the new Netflix movie Space Sweepers was broadcast live on YouTube.

During the interview, Song mentioned his role Kim Tae Ho. “When I first thought about Tae Ho, the first word that came to mind was ‘despair,’” he said. “I think I thought of him to be a person who has let go of everything, a person with no thoughts, and a person who is stuck in a rut. And when I was filming, my personal state of mind as Song Joong Ki was quite similar to Tae Ho’s mind.”

“I thought of Tae Ho as a person who has fallen into pieces after going to many ups and downs of life but found the will to pluck up his courage and hold onto his life after meeting this crew, who can also be called the rabbles. In that sense, his crews have helped Tae Ho a lot. I acted with those thoughts in mind,” Song Joong Ki added.

Space Sweepers, set in the year 2092, is about the crew of space junk collector ship The Victory jumping into a dangerous deal after discovering a humanoid robot named Dorothy that’s known to be a weapon of mass destruction. It will be released on Netflix on Feb 5 in more than 190 countries.

Source (1)

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