Lee Seung Gi Talks About His Music Career and His New Bucketlist of Visiting Europe

During a recent interview, Lee Seung Gi talked about his career as a singer and how he made a new bucket list of visiting Europe.

In a video interview held on the morning of July 3, Lee Seung Gi told various stories, including his new Netflix entertainment show Twogether.

Twogether, which was released on June 26, is a healing travel variety show where two stars of the same age, Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu, go on an unforgettable trip across Asia as they connect with fans and local cultures.

When asked about the most memorable place, Lee Seung Gi answered, “It’s had to pick one since all cultures, religions, and climates differed. This was the first time for me to visit Bali, and Bangkok is one of my favorite cities. Personally, I love the mountains, too. I got to cross out a lot of my bucket lists through ‘Twogether.’”

Is there any mew bucket list? He replied, “I’ve never stayed overseas for a long time since I mostly worked in Korea. It may be hard to believe, but I’ve never been to Europe before. The list of places I want to travel have been expanded. I want to go somewhere cold and try ice fishing. I also want to try a dog sled.”

Credit: Netflix

During the interview, he also talked about his music career. “I was actually going to sing, but three was a temporary delay while preparing for a new album,” he said. ”I’m afraid that the wait might get too long if I set a date, so I would come back with a good album when it’s ready.“

Source (1, 2)

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  • Lee Seung Gi is my favorite Korean singer, actor and MC, multi talented, positive, passionate, dashing irresistible visuals and a dose of everything great 💓👏👍

  • Hi Le, I’m one of your avid fan. I’m kind of your mom’s age or maybe older than your mom.
    I admire your acting talent especially on vagaband,the king two hearts,so as the rest of your Korean Netflix series.
    I’m a Filipino but based in U.k. with family.included in my bucket list is to meet my favourite Korean actors like yourself.
    Hope when you decided to come visit Europe, you’ll visit England too. probably do concert? I will be able to see you with my daughter’s in person.
    Goodluck and take care. keep doing good quality movies and music.
    One of ur fan.

  • Come to norwich in the uk anytime and i will show you around.i am definitely a older fan of yours.x

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