Kakao Entertainment is under investigation for allegedly acquiring drama production company Baram Pictures for more than its fair market value. The prosecution recently questioned director Jang Hang Jun as part of their probe.
Jang Hang Jun‘s representatives confirmed he was questioned but emphasized it was a simple inquiry, not a full investigation. They spoke to OSEN yesterday, requesting to avoid speculation and misunderstandings. The investigation stems from suspicions that Kakao spent more than Baram Pictures’ worth when they acquired the company in 2020. The reported purchase price was 20 billion won.
It’s worth noting that Jang Hang Jun and his wife, writer Kim Eun Hee, were involved with Baram Pictures from 2017 to 2019. They served as internal directors, and Kim Eun Hee was even a shareholder in the early days, having also signed a drama script contract.
However, reports indicate Jang Hang Jun’s questioning was solely as a witness in the case.
Meanwhile, online speculation has arisen suggesting the questioning might be retaliation for Jang Hang Jun’s attendance at a press conference held by actor Lee Sun Kyun. The conference called for the truth to be revealed about Lee Sun Kyun’s death.
One netizen questioned, “Is this payback for the Lee Sun Kyun press conference?” referring to the event held by cultural and artistic organizations demanding a transparent investigation into actor Lee Sun Kyun‘s death. Director Jang Hang Jun, along with Bong Joon Ho, Yoon Jong Shin, and Kim Eui Sung, attended the conference and called for a thorough examination of the legality surrounding Lee Sun Kyun’s drug investigation, transparency in information disclosure, and a review of current human rights protections.
>> Bong Joon Ho Among Cultural Leaders Seek Truth in Lee Sun Kyun Investigation
Another netizen expressed concern about targeted investigations, saying, “If they went after Jang Hang Jun, Yoon Jong Shin could be next.”
We’ve included the netizen reactions below for your reference:
“Director Jang Hang Jun questioned… Questions raised about Kakao’s purchase of his drama production company. Is this payback for the Lee Sun Kyun press conference?”
장항준 감독 조사…
카카오 제작사 고가인수 의혹이선균 죽음 진산규명해달라는
기자회견이 이렇게 돌아오는 건가? https://t.co/cy0gDw9h9v— Sabina (@Sabina_kuk) March 7, 2024
“Jang Hang Jun questioned by prosecutors. Over allegedly selling his company at a ‘high price.’ They don’t dare touch Director Bong Joon Ho (because he’s a world-renowned director), but they’re going after Director Jang Hang Jun for attending a press conference demanding the truth about actor Lee Sun Kyun’s death. This is ridiculous. They’re always trying to justify their cheap acquisitions, so now they’re making a big deal about a high-priced acquisition.”
장항준 감독 검찰 조사.
무슨 회사를 <고가>에 구입했다고??
봉준호 감독은 감히 못 건드리고 (세계적 감독이라) 이선균 배우 진상규명 기자회견 했다고 보복하는 것 같은데 이유가 너무 가관이다. 늘 싸게 구입한 거니 정당화 하느라 고가 구입을 문제 삼는 건가? 기가찬다.— Pangkokk (@05djumma) March 7, 2024
“If they went after Jang Hang Jun, Yoon Jong Shin could be next. What a meticulous and crazy Republic of Yoon Seok Yul’s Prosecutions.”
장항준 손댔으니
윤종신 손대겠네
꼼꼼하고 지랄 같은
윤석열 검찰공화국 pic.twitter.com/ZWfnW9qXzm— "침묵은 악의 동조자" (@kimsunchul68) March 7, 2024
“Yoon Jong Shin, Jang Hang Jun and Lee Sun Kyun were close.”
윤종신, 장항준, 이선균 서로 친한 사이였어요.
— Dracarys (@aqua0205) January 12, 2024
“The prosecution will now pick on Jang Hang Jun. His family will also suffer. Then, the ‘progressive’ politicians and intellectuals will say, ‘We need to judge Yoon Suk Yeol and mourn Lee Sun Kyun, but we also need a conscience,’ and they will cut ties with Jang Hang Jun… The tragedy of the past 5 years.”
이제 검찰은 장항준에게서 흠집을 찾아낼 것이다. 가족도 고통받을 것이다. 그러면 또 잘난 '진보' 정치인과 지식인들은 '윤석열을 심판하고 이선균은 추모해야 하지만 우리는 양심도 필요하다'며 장항준과 손절할 것이다… 지난 5년이 보여준 비극 https://t.co/iSYuB40nYO
— 전지윤 (@ratm71) March 7, 2024
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