Youn Yuh Jung Opens Up About the Meaning of Happiness and Her Biggest Fears

[OSEN=조은정 기자] 13일 오전 서울 성동구 메가박스 성수에서 영화 ‘지푸라기라도 잡고 싶은 짐승들(감독 김용훈) 제작보고회가 열렸다. ‘지푸라기라도 잡고 싶은 짐승들’은 인생 마지막 기회인 돈 가방을 차지하기 위해 최악의 한탕을 계획하는 평범한 인간들의 범죄극을 그린 영화다. 2월 12일 개봉 예정. 배우 윤여정이 인사를 준비하고 있다. /[email protected]

Actress Youn Yuh Jung had opened up about some of the deepest feelings of hers.


On the 20th, Vogue Korea’s official YouTube channel uploaded Youn Yuh Jung’s interview video under the title of ‘Youn Yuh Jung Becomes a Fashion Model at 75 y.o.? Youn Yuh Jung’s interview filled with brutal truths REVEALED’ (literal title).

At the beginning of the interview, the actress was seen jokingly saying that she’s sorry for having taken a photoshoot. “How brave it is for me to take a photo shoot at this age. Just skim over my pages if you don’t want to look at them. There are many other pretty models on the next pages.”

She answered various questions. When asked about a ‘Complete Happiness’, she answered as she ironically asked where such a thing exists. “There’s no such thing. Not only for me but is it non-existent for anyone?” For what she fears, she answered “I’m afraid I’ll get dementia.”

For a talent that she wants to have, she wished for a good singing skill. “I’m a tone-deaf. That’s why I like singers, who are good at singing.” For something she wants to change about herself, she said, “I want to change my inner self, so I’m a little more cultured. But those things don’t come easily.”

Youn Yuh Jung also mentioned the movie Minari and the entertainment program Youn’s Stay, both in which she appears in. She humbled herself saying, “I’m not good at English. I can listen because I lived there, but I get annoyed when I struggle to answer quickly. There is no end to others’ language. I can’t perfect it unless I was born there.”

Credit: 1st Look

More questions and answers can be watched in the video linked above.

Source (1)

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