Holland shared his recent experience with violence, condemning hate crimes.
On the 6th, he uploaded two photos of himself and wrote what happened to him last night on his social media. The photos show injuries to his nose and face.
오늘 새벽 친구와 매니저와 함께 이태원 길을 걷던 도중 한 모르는 남성이 저를 게이라는 이유로 얼굴을 두번 가격하였습니다. 얼굴에 상처가 남았고 곧 병원에 갈 예정입니다. 이것은 명백한 혐오범죄입니다. 제가 커밍아웃한 게이라는 이유로 폭력에 노출되는 일은 절대 있어서는 안되는 일입니다. pic.twitter.com/XZ9NjXmEcl
— HOLLAND (@HOLLAND_vvv) May 5, 2022
The post reads as follows:
“Last night, I walked around Itaewon with my manager and a friend. Suddenly, a stranger approached us and hit me in the face twice, calling me ‘a dirty gay’. Now I have an injury on my face, and I’m heading to the hospital. This is a hate crime. It’s absolutely not acceptable to harass people for their sexuality.” He added, “This just happened yesterday in the middle of the streets, and it clearly shows that gay rights are not of any major importance in South Korea. I reported it to the police, and I hope they will take this case seriously.”
He closed off his statement by saying, “This should never happen to anybody in this world. I hope the world will become a better place for minorities, children and LGBTQ people so that peace and love will win over violence and hate.”
Holland has recently starred in BL series Ocean Likes Me.
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