As the countdown to cataclysm begins, Netflix’s Goodbye Earth prepares for its global unveiling on April 26. This highly anticipated series brings to light the resilience and interconnectedness of those facing the brink of extinction, with only 200 days left until a devastating asteroid impact.
The newly released press stills offer a glimpse into the lives of the residents of Ungcheon City as they navigate their remaining days in their own unique ways. Among them is middle school teacher Se Kyung (Ahn Eun Jin), captured in a moment of protest, embodying her commitment to prioritize her students’ safety above her own.
Assistant priest Seong Jae (Jeon Seong Woo), stepping up in the absence of the head priest, is seen donned in his cassock, offering solace amidst the turmoil. Meanwhile, In Ah (Kim Yoon Hye), a company commander in the combat support battalion, showcases leadership, overseeing logistics and maintaining peace.
The stills also capture the broader societal unrest amidst a barrage of disasters and crimes – from protestors challenging the end-of-the-world predictions to the collective efforts of adults safeguarding the youth. And yet, the images of parishioners clinging to their faith and communities finding solace together highlight an undying human spirit, striving to make the most of every moment together despite the shadow of doom.
One thing to note was absence of Yoo Ah In in the stills. When the actor’s drug case incident came to light, Goodbye Earth had already completed filming and was in post-production. It was reported that the release date was postponed and the project underwent re-editing due to this incident. Yoo Ah In was known to play a crucial character in the story. Therefore, even if his presence is removed from promotional materials like press stills, there’s growing curiosity about how and to what extent the re-editing was done in the final cut.
>> Yoo Ah In Attends Second Trial Amidst Drug Allegations
Source: Netflix, 2