Best Endings in ‘True Beauty’ So Far

Credit: tvN

tvN’s True Beauty is captivating viewers with each episode’s heart-fluttering ending. The stories of Im Ju Kyung, Lee Su Ho, and Han Seo Jun become more intriguing as they share their pains, comfort each other, and get closer. The ending of each episode stirs curiosity about how the relationship between the three will develop, as it raises expectations for True Beauty.

Episode 1: The reunion of Moon Ga Young and Cha Eun Woo

The ending of the first episode was a reunion of Ju Kyung and Su Ho, which looked as if it was their first time meeting. The two had a bewildering first interaction as Ju Kyung climbed to the rooftop frustrated by her appearances, and Su Ho pulled her wrist, resulting in them lying upon each other. Later when Ju Kyung moved to her childhood neighborhood and visited her regular comic book store, she found herself scrambling for a comic book against Su Ho who managed to take it first. Soon after, the two once again fell on top of each other like the first time they met, foreshadowing their future relationship.


Episode 2: Cha Eun Woo Protecting Moon Ga Young

The second episode’s ending stirred hearts as Su Ho turned into Ju Kyung’s protective shield. Ju Kyung, who strictly hid her bare face with makeup, was hit in the face by a cake mistakenly thrown during a friend’s 100th-day celebration party. Though Ju Kyung sprinted to cover her bare face, she fell into panic as friends roamed around her. At that moment, Su Ho came in as her savior as he took his jacket off to protect her from being stared at and walked across the corridor. It was impossible to not be flustered while watching such a side of Su Ho, as he normally does not even bat an eye at anyone else.


Episode 4: Cha Eun Woo VS Hwang In Yeop, Their Explosive Instincts Towards Moon Ga Young

The ending of the fourth episode draws keen attention as Su Ho and Seo Jun reveal their instinctive attraction toward Ju Kyung. As Ju Kyung was asked to stop Seo Jun from riding his motorcycle, she stayed around him. Seo Jun then threw the motorcycle keys to Ju Kyung and confessed to her by saying, “You said not to ride the bike. I’m only going to listen to you from now.” At the same time, Su Ho witnessed this and grabbed the arm of Ju Kyung, who was trying to follow Seo Jun, and told her, “Don’t go.” Expectations for the love triangle between Su Ho and Seo Jun heightened, with Ju Kyung in between them.


Episode 6: Cha Eun Woo and Hwang In Yeop’s Mission to Rescue Moon Ga Young

At the end of the sixth episode, Su Ho and Seo Jun did not hesitate to save Ju Kyung. While Ju Kyung was caught by Lee Sung Yong, a school bully who misunderstood her as Seo Jun’s girlfriend, the two headed to the karaoke room after getting a call from Sung Yong. Angered at the sight of Ju Kyung being frightened, Su Ho and Seo Jun overpowered Sung Yong’s gang by throwing punches as they fought as a combo. Laughter was stimulated as the song “Amor Fati” flooded the karaoke room in the background while the three characters who were all looking at different directions raised questions about the upcoming plot.

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