‘Running Man’ Lee Kwang Soo Confesses that Song Ji Hyo Did “Something Upsetting” to Him 10 Years Ago

Credit: SBS

In the coming episode of Running Man, its last episode of the year, members had a time to freely open about the times they got “upset” by one another.

Just about a week ago, Running Man finished the year strong by winning the Golden Content Award, Top Excellence Award in Show/Variety (HaHa) and Grand Prize (Kim Jong Kook), and the members’ teamwork became even stronger. As if to prove this, everyone showed off their trust in each other, saying, “There’s nothing to be upset about. We totally understand each other,” as soon as they heard the topic. But soon, they were seen rushing to write all the things they were upset about in the past, giving a big laugh.

The members, who write down all their grievances about each other, poured out various episodes, exploding their emotions that they have “pressed down” for the past 10 years. Lee Kwang Soo soon hesitantly shared, “The first time we filmed the show 10 years ago, I got really upset with what Song Ji Hyo did,” fluttering the scene. After hearing his story, Yang Se Chan sided with Lee Kwang Soo, further embarrassing Song Ji Hyo.

However, the rest of the members talked about the times Lee Kwang Soo had upset them, and Lee Kwang Soo was perplexed by the unexpected development. Running Man members’ “Emotion Settlement” will air on Dec 27 at 5 pm KST.

Source (1)

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