Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji won the “AAA Hot Issue Award- Actor” at the 2020 AAA.
At the 2020 AAA (Asia Artist Awards) held online on Nov 28, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay actors Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji took home AAA Hot Issue Award.
After winning the award, Kim Soo Hyun said, “I want to thank everyone who loved the drama It’s Okay to Not Be Okay and all the fans who allowed me to receive the award today. I hope our drama will remain in your memory as something that warms your heart for a long time. I will try hard to repay with better acting. Thank you.”

Seo Ye Ji said, “I thank all the fans who loved It’s Okay to Not Be Okay. Playing a cold yet enchanting Go Moon Young, I also received a lot of healing and had a rewarding time. I will remember this award as a gift from our fans. Thank you.”
The sight of the two actors from one of this year’s hottest projects together has caught the attention of many drama fans.
2020 AAA, hosted by Lee Teuk and Park Joo Hyun, is a mega-ceremony that honors outstanding achievements and international contributions of Asian artists in television, film and music.
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Hearty Congratulations To My favourite Actor Kim Soo Hyun .Love You Always from Incredible India.
Bravo!!! Kudos to two of you for winning the well deserved awards. I am still rewatching and rewatching “It’s okay not to be okay”. Still so healing to watch it. Each n every member of the cast deserves an award!!! You made each other shine so brightly. Can the same cast come together once again to create another masterpiece? Please…
This drama was so brilliant and these two made it all so memorable that I will probably watch it for the third time soon. Really, really great job, KSH and SYJ!