Kim Soo Hyun Files Criminal Complaint; Kim Sae Ron’s Mother’s Heartbreaking Letter Revealed

kim soo hyun kim sae ron family
kim sae ron family
Credit: Kim Sae Ron’s social media, Garo Sero Research Institute

The family of the late Kim Sae Ron expressed their devastation, saying, “How could they mutilate our daughter like this?” regarding rumors of her marriage and other speculations surrounding her death.

On March 20th, the family spoke through the YouTube channel Garo Sero Research Institute, also known as HoverLab Inc., stating, “We never heard anything about Sae Ron getting married.” The bereaved families added, “We never even heard that she told her manager about an abortion. And the claim that the manager paid 20 million won ($14,000) in hospital fees because no one else did—it just doesn’t make sense to us. Please provide evidence,” they said, their voices heavy with grief.

The Garo Sero Research Institute’s team shared, “We met Kim Sae Ron’s mother, and she is now nothing but skin and bones. When we suggested holding an emergency press conference, she said, ‘I can’t do that. Do I have to die for YouTuber Lee Jin Ho and Kim Soo Hyun to stop tormenting me?'”

In a handwritten letter, Kim Sae Ron’s mother poured out her grief: “My beloved daughter Sae Ron, I can’t throw away the clothes you wore or the things you used—I’m holding onto everything as it is.” Her words reflect the unbearable pain of a mother who lost her vibrant daughter too soon.

kim sae ron family
Credit: Garo Sero Research Institute

She continued, “You struggled so much, saying you’d die, and now are you at peace? You jokingly said that if you died, a lot of friends would show up—and they really did. What’s money worth? I should’ve stayed by your side longer. I couldn’t be there for your final desperate moments because I was at work. You were constantly tormented and said, ‘I’d rather live like the Kim Sae Ron the articles made up.’ I couldn’t accept that you kept trying to let go of the world. You promised me you’d find a way to keep going.”

She added, “I still hear your chattering voice right next to me and keep jolting awake. I kept saying, ‘Don’t post pictures. Avoid people. Don’t wander around late at night. Don’t drink.’ Thinking back, it seems all I did was tell you ‘don’t do this, be careful’ while you were just trying to hold on to your daily life. I’m sorry, my daughter. I thought stopping you was a way to protect you. I’m sorry for not letting you do things and trying to hide you away while saying I believed in you.”

Finally, she wrote, “Now they keep telling me to explain myself. But I only wanted to protect you, and all I asked for was an apology for making you out to be a liar and to make sure something like this never happens again. But all I got in return were words denying my existence and demands for explanations. I’m sorry. Now, I’ll let you go in peace.”

Kim Soo Hyun’s Agency Files Lawsuit Against Kim Sae Ron’s Family
kim soo hyun kim sae ron family
Credit: Gold Medalist

Meanwhile, Kim Soo Hyun’s agency, Gold Medalist, filed a lawsuit against Kim Sae Ron’s bereaved family and Garo Sero Research Institute on charges of violating the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment of Sexual Crimes (distribution of filmed material, etc.).

The law firm LKB & Partners, acting as legal representatives for Gold Medalist, took issue with Garo Sero Research Institute publicly sharing a photo of Kim Soo Hyun taken with his pants off, stating, “It is an image that should never have been made public, as it could cause Kim Soo Hyun to feel sexual humiliation, and there is no reason for it to be disclosed.”

They further asserted, “Garo Sero Research Institute has even threatened to continue releasing similar photos of Kim Soo Hyun, leaving us no choice but to take strong legal action.”

Regarding the decision to include Kim Sae Ron’s bereaved family in the lawsuit, they explained, “Distributing an unauthorized image of Kim Soo Hyun’s body is not only an extremely serious offense but also raises concerns about possible future repetitions. Thus, we had no choice but to proceed with legal action against the bereaved family as well.”

Lee Jin Ho Claims Kim Sae Ron’s Struggles Were Due to Domestic Violence by Her Alleged Husband, Not Kim Soo Hyun
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Credit: Lee Jin Ho’s YouTube Channel

Meanwhile, entertainment journalist-turned-YouTuber Lee Jin Ho, who was sued for defamation by Kim Sae Ron’s family, released a phone call recording with one of Kim Sae Ron’s acquaintances on their YouTube channel. In the conversation, Lee Jin Ho claimed that Kim Sae Ron struggled not because of Kim Soo Hyun but due to domestic violence from her ex-boyfriend, whom she allegedly married in the U.S.

In the video, a friend of Kim Sae Ron recounted a phone call with her manager on the day of her passing, saying, “I met her just two days ago, and she seemed fine. We played screen golf and had a meal together.” The friend then claimed, “I think it was because of the man she met in the U.S. He assaulted her and caused a scene. I have all the photos of the abuse. She once showed me a picture of a knife wound on her neck and told me it was real. While it’s not an official statement, her friends suspect that she passed away because of him. He allegedly kept verbally attacking and threatening her.”

However, online reactions to this claim have largely dismissed it as an attempt to divert attention from the main issue.

The YouTuber also announced on March 20th that he would file a lawsuit against Garo Sero Research Institute’s Kim Se Ui, comedian Kwon Young Chan, lawyer Bu Ji Seok and an individual who claimed to be Kim Sae Ron’s aunt.

In a video uploaded to his YouTube channel, Lee stated that his legal action was not directed at Kim Sae Ron’s bereaved family but at the person who identified herself as the late actress’s aunt. He alleged that this individual initially introduced herself as Kim Sae Ron’s biological aunt but was later revealed to be a close acquaintance of the actress’s mother.

>> Late Kim Sae Ron’s Alleged Marriage and Abortion Claims Spark Backlash Against Lee Jin Ho

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