Netflix’s original series A Killer Paradox has been captivating audiences since its release on the 9th, with particular attention being drawn to Jung Yi Seo‘s portrayal of a murder scene witness. The series delves into the story of an ordinary man, Lee Tang (played by Choi Woo Shik), who accidentally becomes a murderer and the relentless detective Jang Nan Gam (Son Suk Ku) who is on his trail.
In the very first episode, the drama escalates when Lee Tang, pushed to his limits by one-sided harassment, commits murder with a hammer he had on hand. It’s at that moment Jung Yi Seo’s character, Seon Yeok Ok, makes a memorable entrance, appearing with sunglasses and a guide dog, initially giving off the impression of a visually impaired person.
However, she quickly reveals herself to be a character of contradiction, demanding a favor in return for her silence about the murder. Her calm yet threatening demeanor toward Lee Tang provides a chilling contrast, showcasing Jung Yi Seo’s ability to portray complex characters with nuance.
This isn’t Jung Yi Seo’s first rodeo with Choi Woo Shik: she previously worked with him in Bong Joon Ho’s critically acclaimed Parasite, where she madea brief yet impactful appearance as a pizza store owner. Besides Parasite, Jung Yi Seo has made her mark in other notable projects, including Park Chan Wook’s Decision to Leave, the Netflix series All of Us Are Dead, and the upcoming drama When Life Gives You Tangerines starring IU and Park Bo Gum.
Meanwhile, A Killer Paradox has quickly risen to prominence, securing the second spot in Netflix’s Global Top 10 non-English TV category with 3.1 million views in just three days after its release.
>> Choi Woo Shik and Son Suk Ku’s Netflix Series ‘A Killer Paradox’ Takes the World by Storm
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