G-Dragon’s Deleted Instagram Post on Buddhist Teachings Sparks Curiosity Amid Drug Allegations

Credit: G-Dragon Instagram

G-Dragon is drawing attention for deleting a post where he seemingly expressed his feelings regarding the recent drug allegations against him.

On October 31st, the rapper posted a photo on his Instagram that featured Buddhist doctrine and terminology, but he quickly deleted the post. However, fans promptly took screenshots of the image and shared it across various online communities.

The shared photo depicts the Noble Eightfold Path, one of the fundamental principles in Buddhist teachings. It emphasizes the following steps on the path: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right meditative awareness.

The post also mentions “ultimate nirvana,” a Buddhist term referring to a state of supreme enlightenment where all suffering is completely eliminated.

The text reads as follows: “Our ultimate goal is to achieve enlightenment, which is nirvana. We should seek happiness that transcends life and death. It’s unwise to become obsessed with the immediate rewards of this life while forgetting about the ultimate source of true happiness. It is urgently necessary to change our perception and redirect that force to water the root.”

Fans who came across the post are expressing various reactions, with some speculating that this is his way of sharing his feelings about his recent drug scandal.

>> G-Dragon to Undergo Police Questioning Next Week Over Alleged Drug Use

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