JTBC drama The Good Bad Mother wrapped up its run with a heartwarming finale on June 8th.
According to Nielsen Korea, the last episode garnered an impressive nationwide rating of 12 percent, securing the top spot across all channels.
In the episode, Young Soon (played by Ra Mi Ran) saw her dreams come true, while Kang Ho (Lee Do Hyun) delivered a gratifying revenge after regaining his memories. He finally exposed Tae Soo (Jung Woong In) and Woo Byuk’s (Choi Moo Sung) long-concealed crime, bringing them to justice.
Young Soon, who came to realize the true value of life and her own happiness, found comfort by Kang Ho’s side as she peacefully closed her eyes. Meanwhile, Kang Ho and Mi Ju (Ahn Eun Jin) pledged their eternal love to one another and found their happy ending. To add to the excitement, a delightful twist unfolded as the true identity of the mayor’s wife (Park Bo Kyung) was revealed.
After watching the final episode, viewers congratulated the drama for its immensely satisfying conclusion. Here are some translated responses that captured the excitement surrounding the drama’s conclusion:
“Here’s why The Good Bad Mother is truly satisfying: Not only does Kang Ho understand his mother from the beginning, but she also acknowledges her mistakes and expresses genuine remorse to Kang Ho until the very end. Additionally, the drama beautifully captures the ongoing lives of the other characters, keeping their stories intact. The drama’s town feels unbelievably real!”
나쁜엄마 결말 좋은 이유..강호가 엄마를 처음부터 이해하고 있던 것과 별개로 엄마가 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치고 강호에게 마지막까지 그걸 표현함과 동시에 남은 인물들의 서사까지 잃지 않고 그들에 살아가는 방식을 계속해서 보여줌.. 조우리는 실존한다ㅜ
— 군밤 (@bakssimania) June 8, 2023
“The last letter that Young Soon wrote to Kang Ho. She expressed her regrets about her actions in this lifetime and promised not to repeat them in the next. She made a heartfelt request to be reborn as Kang Ho’s mother again, leaving behind her final wish as the good, bad mother.”
강호에게 쓴 영순이의 마지막 편지
이번 생에 했던 후회하는 일들을
다음엔 그러지 않겠노라고 그러니
다음 생에도 강호 엄마로 태어나게 해달라는
나쁜엄마의 마지막 소원 pic.twitter.com/1vfEvBI4yn— 시즌 (@season__22) June 8, 2023
“This drama had the most clean and perfect ending ever. It felt like watching a well-made movie.”
내 인생에 이렇게 결말 깔끔하고 완벽한 드라마는 나쁜엄마가 처음이다 잘 만든 영화 한 편 본 느낌
— 믈 (@meuldrama) June 8, 2023
“I really liked the last episode of The Good Bad Mother, but that Kang Ho singing scene was hard to watch. There were so many other scenes like that, and I can’t get over how things went down for the mayor’s wife. It’s imprinted in my brain. Seriously, that’s all I can remember.”
난 나쁜 엄마 마지막화 좋앗는데
골 때리는 장면이 많앗음..아직도 이장님댁 결말이 너무 생생함 ㅅㅂ 그거밖에 기억 안나— 햄노배 (@hamwwwj) June 8, 2023
“진짜 황당 봉황당임.. 이장 아내 정체가 야쿠자 2세인지 3세란다”
진짜 황당 봉황당임..
이장 아내 정체가 야쿠자 2세인지 3세란다#나쁜엄마 pic.twitter.com/w8UmyltUfP— 뷰 (@dr_view_) June 8, 2023
“The ending I had in mind for The Good Bad Mother was that Kang Ho drops the ultimate bombshell, revealing he’s the father of Yejin and Sejin, and he walks down the aisle with Mi Joo. With their moms side by side, clapping in pure bliss, Yejin and Sejin toss flower petals like it’s raining happiness. Fast forward, they’re all living in perfect harmony under one roof, and even the whole hood joins in peaceful visits to Kang Ho’s mom’s grave. That’s the dream ending I envisioned…”
내가 생각한 나쁜엄마 결말은 예진서진한테 강호가 아빠인거 밝히고 놀래고 울고불고하는 것도 넣고 강호미주 결혼식에 강호엄마 미주엄마 혼주로 앉아서 박수치고 예진서진이 꽃 뿌려주고 n년뒤에 네가족 한집에서 사는거 보여주면서 온동네 사람들 다같이 웃으면서 강호엄마 제사 지내는거였는데
— 내맘 (@ILikeILove_) June 8, 2023
“The ending of The Good Bad Mother mirrors the drama’s beginning, as Kang Ho proposes to Mi Ju, just like how Hae Sik proposed to Young Soon.”
나쁜엄마 엔딩
해식영순과 수미상관으로 끝나는 강호미주 프로포즈 💍 pic.twitter.com/bfIQm9Qowb— 밤새 (@gcda_v) June 8, 2023