Lovelyz’s Kei and MONSTA X’s Jooheon (Joohoney) became the second runner up for JTBC’s new Wed-Thurs drama Run On as they participate in the series’ original soundtrack.
Kei and Jooheon’s “Ride Or Die” for Run On will be released through various music platforms on December 23rd at 6 p.m. KST.
“Ride Or Die” is a rap-ballad song with fierce guitar sounds and extravagant orchestral elements. The track is joined by Kei, the main vocalist of the girl group Lovelyz, who made their presence on Mnet’s Queendom, and Jooheon from MONSTA X with solid rap skills.
Kei’s tender voice which sings the sorrowful lyrics “I will always wait for you at the same place” creates great chemistry with Jooheon’s heavy, low-toned rap.
With the special collaboration of top K-idols, Kei and Jooheon’s participation is expected to make the series more immersive.
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