In a blending of real-life romance and fictional storytelling, Director Lee Chung Hyeon made a special appearance on the tvN Monday-Tuesday drama Wedding Impossible, starring her girlfriend and actress Jeon Jong Seo.
On April 2nd, episode 12 showcased Lee Chung Hyeon taking on the role of a director. During a scene where Na Ah Jeong (Jeon Jong Seo) flubs her lines, Director Lee reprimands her, “Didn’t you practice? Let’s go again.”
This cameo has sparked a debate among viewers. Some argue that the inclusion of Jeon’s real-life boyfriend disrupts the immersion of the romantic comedy drama, while others see no issue with his brief appearance, asking, “What’s the problem with a short cameo?”
Jeon Jong Seo and Lee Chung Hyeon began their public relationship in 2021, having first connected through the movie The Call. The couple has been together for four years and recently collaborated again on the Netflix film Ballerina, with Lee directing and Jeon leading.
Meanwhile, Wedding Impossible concluded its run with the final episode showcasing a proposal from Lee Ji Han (Moon Sang Min) to Na Ah Jeong. The series ended with a rating of 3.7%, according to Nielsen Korea.
>> Jeon Jong Seo Dishes on Her Love Story with Lee Chung Hyeon