SM Entertainment annually receives an explosive public response for its Halloween parties. This year’s Halloween celebration, “SMTOWN Wonderland 2021,” was held under strict COVID protocols.
Shinee’s Onew, NCT’s Chenle, Super Junior’s Shindong, aespa’s Giselle, Red Velvet’s Yeri, WayV’s Ten, and NCT 127’s Jungwoo and Taeyong were selected as the winners of the costume contest.
The prize money will be donated under the names of these eight winners to The Beautiful Foundation to support young adults leaving institutional care to assist them in leading independent lives in the community.
This isn’t the first time SM Entertainment has donated to a meaningful cause. Earlier this year, the agency had donated all proceeds from EXO’s Dancing King to The Beautiful Foundation. They have also partaken in campaigns that seek to raise awareness about adolescents who are discharged from institutional care.
Check out the eight winners of “SMTOWN Wonderland 2021” below.
💗기부금은 보호종료아동의 건강한 자립을 돕는 일에 쓰일 예정입니다.
Donations will be used to support expenses needed by youth transitioning out of foster care.
— SMTOWN (@SMTOWNGLOBAL) November 5, 2021
SM 할로윈 코스튬 콘테스트 우승 아티스트 8인🎃
아름다운재단 열여덟 어른 캠페인에 상금 기부!👏🏻8 winners of #SMTOWN_WONDERLAND_2021 donate their prize money to the #18yearoldadult campaign of The Beautiful Foundation!
— SMTOWN (@SMTOWNGLOBAL) November 5, 2021
Source (1)
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