High School Return of a Gangster is an adaptation of the novel of the same name. The original genre of the work is BL, which stands for Boy’s Love and focuses on male-male romance. However, the series eliminated its BL plot after being reborn as a live-action drama series.
Coming to Wavve exclusively in the first half of this year, the show is a fantasy human drama. It follows the story of a gangster with college aspirations who finds himself inhabiting the body of a high school student. Using his unique skills, he confronts the school bullies while forming a heartwarming friendship with a classmate struggling with domestic violence.
Yoon Chan Young, known for his role in All of Us Are Dead, and Bong Jae Hyun from the K-pop group Golden Child will take on the lead roles, while Lee Seo Jin joins the cast with a special appearance.
So, why was the BL plot removed? The production team explains the decision was made due to the investment and cost limitations of the BL genre. “From the outset, we envisioned this project as a bromance rather than a full-fledged BL series.” The team also said that they decided to dramatize it because they found the original material and characters interesting.
But it is remain to be seen if High School Return of a Gangster will resonate with audiences despite removing a major plot point from its original work.
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that’s so sad, i started watching it because i thought it was a BL, I’m disappointed