SM Entertainment has confirmed that NCT member Haechan received a fine for using an electronic cigarette indoors. The incident came to light in a dance practice video released on NCT 127’s YouTube channel.
On the 11th, SM Entertainment told Ilgan Sports, “We confirmed that Haechan used an electronic cigarette indoors in the dance practice content of NCT 127 released on the 10th. We plan to pay the fine imposed by the public health center responsible for this matter.”
The agency expressed remorse, stating, “We deeply apologize for causing concern due to this careless action. We will take extra caution to ensure that such an incident does not happen again.”
The controversy began when online communities circulated a clip from the “‘Be There For Me’ Dance Practice Behind the Scenes” video, showing Haechan bringing what appeared to be an electronic cigarette to his mouth twice, sparking debate over indoor smoking.
In related news, Haechan has recently taken a break from activities due to high fever, body aches, and a tonsillitis diagnosis.
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