Netflix has been met with an enthusiastic response from both the press and fans following the preview screening of D.P. Season 2.

In D.P. Season 2, we witness Jun Ho (played by Jung Hae In) and Ho Yeol (Koo Kyo Hwan), the military deserter pursuit team, as they continue to face the harsh realities head-on. The new season picks up from the shocking ending of Season 1, where the pain of Private Jo Seok Bong’s incident was still fresh. The first episode begins with Seok Bong’s friend, Kim Ruri, firing a gun at a room full of other soldiers. Season 2 explores the struggles of those who are determined to make even the smallest difference in this challenging reality.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at what the media outlets and viewers have to say:

Responses from media outlets:
OSEN: “Season 2 kicks off with a powerful first episode, which interestingly is titled Episode 7.”
STAR TODAY: “The actors skillfully depict the characters’ deepening struggles with subtle yet explosive expressions.”
NEWSEN: “Season 1’s focus on ‘people’ remains intact, and Moon Sang Hoon, Bae Na Ra, Lim Sung Jae, Choi Hyun Wook and others deliver outstanding performances in each episode.”
Kyunghyang Shinmun: “The portrayal of deserters has become more diverse, and the series now explores a broader range of subjects.”
NEWS1: “The series shines a spotlight on societal issues where diversity is not acknowledged, and differences are unjustly labeled as ‘wrong.'”

Responses from viewers:
“As a continuation of Season 1, the story and characters seamlessly blend, making it an incredibly satisfying drama series.”
디피2 시사회 후기
1의 연장선으로 내용들, 사람들이 잘 스며들어있어서 시리즈물로서 너무 만족
일단 시즌2 1화가 아니라 7화~9화로 표기해준 한준희 아버지의 센스에 무릎 탁
여전히 프라이머리의 미친 ost 개좋았고
예고편대로 1보다 조금 무게 있는 내용들이 많습니다
그리고 전 울었습니다— 사라다 (@salada100110) July 18, 2023
“After watching the fan preview of D.P. Season 2 (Episodes 1-3), I have to say Moon Sang Hoon’s acting was INCREDIBLE.”
디피2 팬시사회(1-3화) 최대한 스포 뺀 후기
문상훈 연기 미.쳤.습니다
이제 준호가 호열이를 너무 좋아함
한호열 떡밥 한가지 풀림
디피1은 부산바캉스 디피2는 이태원프리덤
디피1과 연결되는 연출/대사 찾는 재미 큼
임지섭-박범구 디피2의 환기 캐릭터
새캐릭터 위화감 x
반가운 인물 출연합니다— romi (@dor0mi) July 18, 2023
“If you are a fan of Park Beom Gu, you will definitely be blown away starting from Episode 7. Trust me, I was already mind-blown!”
개인적인 디피2 시사회 후기
버스 시간때문에 7화만 보고 나왔는데 박범구를 좋아하신다면 분명 7화부터 이마를 깨실거라 생각해요 일단 전 깼습니다그리고 오늘 김성균 배우님 너무 잘생기셨어요ㅠㅠㅠ🥹🥹🥹 손이 무척 크시고… 진심으로 실물이 깡패(not 박창우)십니다…
— 돠 (@dkaoqhvkTlqkf) July 18, 2023
“The D.P. that had me completely hooked back in August 2021 is finally back! Episodes 7 to 9 (Season 2, Episodes 1 to 3) were just shown, and let me tell you, they pick up right where the last season left off (Episodes 7 and 8). You should absolutely binge-watch them!”
디피2 시사회 후기
디피2 개재밌다 얘들아ㅜ 2021년 8월에 날 살게했던 그 디피가 돌아왔다ㅠㅠ 7~9화 보여줬는데 7,8화 지난 시즌이랑 이어지니까 꼭 몰아보세요 꼭 9화부터 우리가 아는 그 디피의 맛을 느낄 수 있음 우당탕탕에 감동+눈물 섞인 그 맛…. pic.twitter.com/SN5UHaeD1V— 은하수 (@dmsgktn012) July 18, 2023
>> Jung Hae In and His Unit Continue the Fight for Justice in ‘D.P. 2’
Source: Netflix