TV Chosun’s latest sensation, Durian’s Affair, is making waves with its bold and unique concept, showcasing the remarkable talent of renowned writer Phoebe, also known as Im Sung Han.
In this captivating romantic drama, two noblewomen journey through time, landing in the modern world of 2023, where they become entangled in the lives of men living in the present. Blending the complexities of past and present, the series follows the heartfelt tale of a daughter-in-law (Yoon Hye Young) who finds herself harboring deep emotions for her mother-in-law (Choi Myung Gil).
Here’s a glimpse of what fans are saying about the romantic storyline in Durian’s Affair:
I decided to tune in for the craziness. I can't stop watching. Let's see how far the makjang tropes will go 🤣 pic.twitter.com/DdRuk2n0Cx— Suzyshi (수지) (@Suzyshi88) July 5, 2023
Semi and doyi are already driving me crazy 🫠 #duriansaffair
— iya 🌕 | #themoon (@heeaesupremacy_) July 8, 2023
Not me skipping all the time travelling thingy in durian's affair and just focused only on semi and doyi scenes, i find it quite funny but idk i'm literally obsessed with them 🤣
— iya 🌕 | #themoon (@heeaesupremacy_) July 9, 2023
Surprisingly I really enjoyed watching Durian's Affair
— 🌸규🌸 (@Qnnie203) July 2, 2023
the fact that the lady durian semi/doyi storyline exists at all in the first place is insane but that its literally one of the MAIN storylines…my god
— s (@cringewomen) July 6, 2023
Surprisingly, I think I'm the loudest filo here on tl about semi-doyi??!!! WHEN IN FACT I HAVEN'T WATCHED THE WHOLE DRAMA YET😭🤣
— 레인 (@kimhyeeunss) July 8, 2023
i am so excited for durian's affair 😭😭 i don't care about everyone else, just need to see more semi and doyi
— ~ monrita (@kimheeaes) July 6, 2023
?#!@%(@#*%!@# am i going crazy or did they cut out the part where semi starts unbuttoning doyi's shirt in the subbed version they just put up…are they willfully censoring this old woman yuri moment pic.twitter.com/dV5UaVD1KM
— s (@cringewomen) July 2, 2023