Hook Entertainment CEO Promises to Take Responsibility for Lee Seung Gi Payment Issue

lee seung gi hook ceo
Credit: Hook Entertainment

Hook Entertainment CEO Kwon Jin Young released an official apology in regard to legal issues involving Lee Seung Gi on November 30th.  

“I have been working as a manager for 25 years. Many have happened, but this is the first time I’ve encountered something as tough and challenging as this,” shared the CEO. “I believe that any disagreement or misunderstanding should be followed by responsibility. I don’t want to jeopardize Hook Entertainment, the company I have established with all my 25 years, or any other artists under the agency.”

She emphasized, “I will accept full responsibility for the dispute with Lee Seung Gi, and I will not shirk my responsibility by selling my personal property to fulfill it.

On November 18th, a news outlet released a report that claimed Lee Seung Gi had not received any of his revenue from his music. Following the report, the agency came under fire over not paying his music profits for over 18 years since his debut. 

Meanwhile, Dispatch claimed that CEO Kwon used a corporate card to purchase luxury goods and travel abroad. She also allegedly hired her younger brother and mother as employees and gave them salaries, severance fees and corporate cards.

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