Maytreea Released a New Music Video of Their Second New Global Single: “What If”

acapella Maytree What If

acapella Maytree What If

While Maytree has released their latest track ‘What If’ in Dolby ATMOS, and they have also released their binaural music video that offers a very nice rich 3D sound experience.

Released in February, “What If” is a thoughtful philosophical song with a soothing melody and catchy lyrics, exceptionally performed by Maytree. This new song is written and composed by German music writer Andrea Figallo and his wife Junko Kamei, who works as an acapella musician in Japan.

The music is inspired by the thoughts that come to our minds when we think of ‘what if.’ Whenever things are difficult and looking bleak, we often think to ourselves: ‘What if I had made a different choice?’ With this new track, we wanted to talk about how happiness is always there for us to find.

This new music video allows us to experience the true stereo sound of the beautiful and rich harmonies created by Maytree. Each member, singing both independently and collaboratively, will share their inspirational messages within their new song in a relaxing environment that resembles the feelings of their latest release.


It’s been twenty-one years since the group was first established by Jang Sang In (role of Vocal Percussion) and Kang Soo Kyung (Alto) in 2000. The duo was later joined by Kim Won Jong (Bass), Kwon Young Hoon (Tenor), and Lim Su Yeon (Soprano) and became the veteran team that we now know of. Surprisingly, only one person, Kwon Young Hoon, majored in music in the group. The rest of the team members have majored in other various fields, such as Chemistry, Architecture, Computer Science, and Education.

The talented group won second place at Moscow Spring A Cappella Festival, and their ‘Windows Sound Effect (acapella)’ video went viral on Youtube, instantly surpassing 10 million views in a blink. Recently, they released another video named ‘Squid Game (acapella) on YouTube and received explosive responses, hitting a whopping 80 million views.

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