‘Shrimp Toast’ of ‘King of Mask Singer’ Turns Out to be JaeJae!

Credit: UNIVTomorrow

A producer from SBS, JaeJae, has made an appearance on King of Mask Singer.

Credit: Instagram / @happy_jae_jae

In an episode of MBC’s King of Mask Singer aired on the 24th, the first-round of the showdown between eight contestants was shown as they challenged for the throne in the show.

Contestants ‘Menbosha’ (T/N: Menbosha is fried shrimp toast) and ‘Shy Shy Shy’ performed an exciting performance with the song “A Cheeky Man.” Kim Gu Ra was convinced that he for sure knew the identities of both ‘Menbosha’ and ‘Shy Shy Shy’. Ultimately, ‘Shy Shy Shy’ won ‘Menbosha’ and advanced to the second round. The eliminated contestant then performed G-Dragon’s “Heart Breaker” as she showed off an irresistible and talented stage. Though she had a mask on, it could not hide her presence.

Credit: KBS

The person behind ‘Menbosha’ was a producer from SBS and the host of MMTG (a.k.a. Civilization Express) on YouTube, JaeJae. Known as “half celebrity and half ordinary person,” she expressed her feelings on appearing on King of Mask Singer.

“It feels so good to sing in a big karaoke room,” she jokingly said. JaeJae also explained that though she is a producer of another broadcasting company, she appeared on King of Mask Singer with the company’s permission.

She also continued to express her disappointment towards U-KISS’ Soohyun for not recognizing her voice. To this, Soohyun explained, “I thought you were a singer because you sang so well.”

Source (1)

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