Hong Chun Gi, one of the most eagerly-anticipated 2021 dramas, dropped its eye-catching teaser.
At the 2020 SBS Drama Awards, the first teaser of the new drama Hong Chun Gi was released, making headlines. Hong Chun Gi, scheduled to air for the first time in fall 2021, is a fantasy romance historical drama with the author’s imagination added to the story of the only female painter of the Joseon Dynasty.
Earlier, Kim Yoo Jung, Ahn Hyo Seop, Gong Myung and Kwak Shi Yang confirmed their appearances, raising the expectations through the roof.
The released teaser overwhelms the viewers by giving a glimpse into the twisted fates of the 4 main characters. In the dark and mysterious forest, Kim Yoo Jung appears holding a lantern. Soon a bleak wind blows, and Ahn Hyo Seop shows up, grabbing the attention with his mysterious red eyes.
The one-sentence narration that condenses each character’s story also leaves curiosity. “I have a face I want to draw,” says genius female painter Hong Chun Gi, while Haram, who counts the stars of Joseon, whispers, “I have a sky I want to see.” Prince Anpyeong says, “I have a name I want to write in my heart,” and Prince Suyang says, “There is a fate I want as my own.”
Based on the novel of the same name by Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Moon Embracing the Sun author Jung Eun Gwol, Hong Chun Gi made headlines even from the pre-production stage. The drama will be directed by Jang Tae Yoo, best known for Tree With Deep Roots, My Love from the Star, and Hyena, and writer Ha Eun, who co-wrote Be Melodramatic under the pen name Kim Young Young, penned the script.
Hong Chun Gi will premiere on SBS in the fall of 2021.
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