Lee Yoo Young to Join ‘Parasite’ Actor Lee Sun Kyun in Apple TV’s New Series’ Mr. Robin’

Credit: xportsnews

Lee Yoo Young will star in Apple TV’s new series Mr. Robin.

According to a media outlet, Lee Yoo Young has been cast to play one of the female leads in director Kim Jo Woon’s new project Mr. Robin.

Lee Yoo Young will play Jung Jae Yi, a former researcher at the B.C. Foundation’s Rehabilitation Center. As a person who had to smile and pretend to be bright to be loved, she became a person who has both hatred and love for her family.

Based on the webtoon titled Dr. Brain, Mr. Robin is a medical mystery thriller that follows a genius brain doctor who accesses dead people’s brains. The title role, genius brain scientist Mr. Robin, is played by Parasite actor Lee Sun Kyun. Originally, director Kim Ji Woon was scheduled to lead the French drama Cloud 47 (working title), but the production was postponed indefinitely due to inside affairs and COVID-19 pandemic.

With this, Apple TV will showcase two Korean series – Pachinko starring Lee Min Ho and Mr. Robin starring Lee Sun Kyun and Lee Yoo Young – next year. The filming will begin in the first half of next year.

Source (1)

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