Kim Hye Soo and Kim Moo Yeol in Talks to Star in New Netflix Original Series as Judges

Credit: news1, Hankyung
Credit: news1, Hankyung

Kim Hye Soo and Kim Moo Yeol might take on a new challenge by starring in Netflix original series Boy Judgment (literal title).

On November 10, Kim Hye Soo’s agency Hodu & U Entertainment said, “Kim Hye Soo recently received an offer to play the main character in Boy Judgment and is reviewing it.” Kim Moo Yeol’s agency PrainTPC also said, “Kim Moo Yeol did receive an offer and is positively reviewing it.”

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Boy Judgment is a courtroom office drama that takes place when a grumpy judge who hates juvenile offenders is newly appointed to the juvenile criminal department of the Yeonhwa District Court. Kim Hye Soo has been offered the role of Shim Eun Seok, a judge at the Yeonhwa District Court’s juvenile criminal division, while Kim Moo Yeol was offered to play another judge at the Yeonhwa District Court’s juvenile criminal division who graduated high school by taking GED.

Meanwhile, Kim Moo Yeol met with viewers with the film Intruder in June and received favorable reviews for his improved performance. Kim Hye Soo is getting ready for her new film The Day I Died: Unclosed Case to be released on November 12. If the two confirm their appearances in Boy Judgment, they will be channeling their first-ever Netflix original content.

Source (1)

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