The irresistible charm of Lee Joon Hyuk in Love Scout continues to sweep viewers off their feet. The series follows the growing relationship between CEO Kang Ji Yoon (Han Ji Min) and her secretary Yoo Eun Ho (Lee Joon Hyuk), with their deepening connection stirring audiences’ hearts.
The romantic chemistry between Lee Joon Hyuk and Han Ji Min has propelled Love Scout to impressive ratings by its third episode, recording 10.5% nationwide, 10.3% in metropolitan areas, and peaking at 13.3%. The long-anticipated pairing of the two actors has become a daily talking point as ratings continue their steep climb.
Just as Eun Ho opens Ji Yoon’s heart, Lee Joon Hyuk has captured viewers’ affections. His natural embodiment of the character creates a powerful synergy between actor and role. Eun Ho’s gentle demeanor in caring for those around him and his concerned glances toward Ji Yoon are perfectly amplified by Lee Jun Hyuk’s natural warmth, creating a character so genuinely endearing that viewers can’t help but become deeply invested in the romance.
Lee previously revealed that Yoo Eun Ho’s voice is the closest to his natural speaking voice among all the characters he’s played. By incorporating his everyday persona into the role, Lee has created a realistic character that fits him perfectly. The seamless way Lee Jun Hyuk’s personal charm melds with Eun Ho’s character has audiences completely smitten.
Meanwhile, Love Scout airs at 9:50 PM on Fridays and 10:00 PM on Saturdays, with episodes available for streaming on WAVVE and Netflix.
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