Lee Seung Gi And Lee Da In Confirmed to be Dating For Over a Year

Credit: tvN, KBS

Singer and actor Lee Seung Gi and actress Lee Da In revealed to be dating.

They started dating after getting close, playing golf together. Lee Seung Gi, who’s called ‘a golf prodigy’, is famous for his love for golf. He’ll even star in SBS’s golf variety show. Lee Da In also expressed her love for golf by posting pictures of her playing the sport on social media. Sharing the same hobby, they became close friends. Then they started being attracted to each other’s lively and healthy side, and became a couple eventually.

They even have the same ideal type. In 2018, Lee Seung Gi said on a variety show, “My ideal type is someone who I can communicate well with, and who makes me feel excited and comfortable. Also, someone who I like even when there’s nothing to do.” Lee Da In also revealed her ideal type during an interview with a news outlet. She said, “It’s someone who expresses his love a lot, and who’s kind. It’s also gotta be someone who I can converse well with, and who wants the similar future as me.” Their romance was quite well-known in showbiz. It’s said that Lee Seung Gi had fun time with Lee Da In on days he didn’t shoot tvN’s Wednesday-Thursday series Mouse. Currently, they’re nurturing their relationship, telling their close friends about it.


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Translator Na Young Gil: ZAPZEE is the best Korean pop culture community, and I’m happy to be part of it.

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