Actress Han Ye Ri will be making an appearance on SBS News’ NIGHTLINE today on the 23rd. She will be joining in a GV along with critic Lee Dong Jin.

As the film Minari is set to be released in Korea on the 3rd of next month, its leading actress Han Ye Ri will appear on NIGHTLINE which will air at 12.30 a.m. KST, midnight going from the 23rd to the 24th.
Minari (directed by Jung Isaac and produced by Brad Pitt PLAN B Entertainment) tells a very special journey of a Korean family who has left for the U.S. in search of hope. As the film was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG), it won a total of 69 awards and received 157 nominations, drawing attention from all over the world as a leading Oscar nominee.
After receiving positive reviews globally as a leading Oscar nominee for her role as a mother in the film, Han Ye Ri is to share honest stories about her choice to feature in the film, her efforts to portray the character, collaboration with Youn Yuh Jung, and participation in the OST.
Meanwhile, the GV will be held at Lotte Cinema World Tower at 2 p.m. KST on the 27th with Lee Dong Jin. The GV for Minari is scheduled to be hosted from 5 p.m. KST on the 23rd.
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Perfectly justified rewards