Actor, and more prominently singer, Rain is releasing a new mini-album.
The artist’s agency said on Feb 10th, “From the ‘GANG’ craze that heated up the year of 2020, his presence in MBC’s Hangout with You, and to the record of topping music programs’ charts with his duet with JYP “Switch to Me,” Rain has spent a spectacular year. He will continue with the momentum by releasing a mini-album PIECES by RAIN on March 3rd.”
The mini-album PIECES by RAIN is to contain a total of five songs including “Switch to Me (Duet with JYP).” The album’s title represents the five different songs that become pieces that build Rain up as an artist. The different tempos and characteristics of each track capture his various charms, including those Rain has not shown yet. The idea is that these songs come together as an album to complete Rain’s artistry.
It has been reported that Rain finished filming the music video for the title track of PIECES by RAIN and is making final touches to the upcoming album.
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