A Special Guest Visited Kim Woo Seok’s Comeback Showcase?!

Comedian Lee Kyung Kyu made a special appearance to cheer for Kim Woo Seok.

Credit: V LIVE

Kim Woo Seok aired an online fan showcase live on his official V LIVE channel on Feb. 8th. In the showcase, Kim Woo Seok was seen to communicate with fans as he revealed behind-the-scenes stories for the new solo-album 2ND DESIRE [TASTY], along with how he felt for this comeback. The said album has been released at 6 p.m. KST on the same day through various music streaming platforms.

While the showcase was being hosted, Lee Kyung Kyu made a special appearance in a video letter, surprising Kim Woo Seok, MC Park Seul Ki, and all the fans. The TV personality said in the video, “Hi, this is Kyung Kyu. I happen to send you a video as Woo Seok, who resembles me, is making a comeback. I hope this album will be successful and you complete your activities while remaining healthy.” He also said that he will be supporting you from behind and that he hopes Woo Seok’s album will be a hit. “Cute and small Woo Seok, I promise to meet you again on programs. I will always support you. You’re the only one. Woo Seok, go hit the jackpot,” he added.

Credit: TOP Media

Regarding this, Woo Seok was surprised as he exclaimed “No way. Thank you,” as he took a deep bow. The two have made connections through various programs including KBS 2TV’s Stars’ Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant.

Kim Woo Seok also talked about Lee Kyung Kyu in the showcase saying that “I was able to appear on all my entertainment programs as he picked me. Thankfully, I had fun and learned something new in all of them. I felt proud to hear people telling me that I’m funny because I’m honest.”

Credit: TOP Media

In other news, Kim Woo Seok’s new album was released on the same day. As an extension of the series started from his first solo album 1ST DESIRE [GREED], DESIRE expresses the excitement of love by comparing it to a taste. The album was more than enough to prove the singer’s musical abilities as he participated in producing not only its title song “Sugar,” but for all tracks.


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