Kim Young Dae Says He’s Grateful for the Nickname “the Next Gang Dong Won”

Credit: Outer Korea

With The Penthouse: War in Life and Cheat On Me, If You Can, Kim Young Dae has grown one step further. Since he imprinted his presence as Oh Nam Joo, the main lead of the romance comics in Extraordinary You, he quickly emerged as a rising star, appearing in When the Weather Is Fine, The Penthouse: War in Life and Cheat On Me, If You Can.

Through a written interview, he picked his favorite compliment as “He really does his best,” and expressed his desire to “grow up gradually and diligently.”

Credit: SBS, KBS

Q1. You finished two projects in a row.

I think I continued to grow more in acting thanks to that. I’m trying to learn more by diving into the work. They taught me what responsibility is and a lot else. I think I will be more cautious in my future moves. I will try to work hard with full responsibility for each project.


Q2. Unlike your previous projects, you worked with seniors in ‘Cheat On Me, If You Can.’

It has given me opportunities to grow up more. They also induced natural reactions from me in the scenes where we exchange lines, and I was able to move forward more stably with their lead in terms of teamwork in the drama. The atmosphere was also fantastic since they were such great people.


Q3. Is there anything special you prepared for your character Cha Soo Ho?

Cha Soo Ho had to be professional in many ways as an NIS agent. I pondered a lot about the way I spoke and behave. As an elite agent who has faced numerous experiences, he had to be calm and poised in any situation. I had to be relaxed even in the way I breathe, so I really dug into these parts.

Credit: Outer Korea

Q4. What was your favorite compliment?

I’m just grateful when I hear someone say, “he really does his best.” I don’t think I’m the type to confidently express my ambition about what kind of actor I want to become. I just want to grow up step by step, and this compliment really cheer me on my way.


Q5. Some say that you are “the next Gang Dong Won,”

Some say that I look a lot like him, and I’m very thankful. But I try not to pay much attention to it. I am trying my best to be viewed with my acting.


Q6. I’m sure the year 2020 was especially a busy year for you. What are you satisfied with and what do you regret?

I am most satisfied that I finished filming The Penthouse: War in Life, Cheat On Me, If You Can and Undercover. But there are lots of regrets, too. There are still a lot, even if the question is ‘then what do you regret the most?’ But the fact that there are many moments where I thought I could have done better makes me a bit more greedy about what I’ll do next.


Q7. Any genre or character you want to challenge?

I want to try a bright youth drama that fits my real personality, and I also want to try historical drama. My plan is to show my improvement through various projects and characters. I want to continue to grow through each and every work.

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