“I’ve got a lot to show” EXO’s Do Kyung Soo Heralds His Solo Album

Credit: V Live “EXO’

EXO’s D.O, aka Do Kyung Soo, greeted his fans after he was officially discharged from the military and signaled his comeback.

On Jan 26, Do Kyung Soo held a livestream event via V Live and had time to communicate with his fans after a long time. “I returned safely. I turned on the V Live to personally thank our EXO-Ls. I just wanted to say thank you so much for waiting,” he shared.

He then thanked his fans, saying, “I read all the letters you guys sent me. I spent my personal maintenance time reading those letters. And I felt proud and happy. I even showed them off to other soldiers.”

Mentioning his solo song he released before enlistment, D.O added, “I loved the fact that I could deliver what I wanted to say with music. There are many songs I want to try.” He also heralded his solo album, saying, “I’m also working hard on my solo album. The songs are already ready, and I just have to work on the lyrics. I don’t know when it will come out, but I’ll prepare it asap and play it for you.”

Do has already confirmed his comeback as an actor with director Kim Yong Hwa’s new film The Moon. About it, he said, “I can’t go into details, but it’s really fun. So I hope you look forward to it.”

Meanwhile, Do Kyung Soo became the second EXO member to complete his military duty when he was officially discharged yesterday.

Source (1)

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