‘Run On’ Im Si Wan and Shin Se Kyung On Their Way to Build a Stronger Bond

Credit: JTBC

Curiosity is arising for the relationship between Im Si Wan and Shin Se Kyung within Run On.

Credit: JTBC

JTBC’s Wed-Thurs drama Run On illustrates a realistic and relatable story of Ki Sun Kyeom (played by Im Si Wan) and Oh Mi Joo (played by Shin Se Kyung) as they go through a risky stage in their relationship. Viewers are left with no choice but to immerse themselves in their relationship and question whether they will be able to finish this race of love.

As the two went their own way, Sun Kyeom makes his way as an athlete agent while his colleague Kim Woo Sik (played by Lee Jung Ha) focuses on rehab. Meanwhile, Mi Joo gets herself used to the routine where she goes to bed and wakes up early to train for the Half Marathon. As the two continue their relationship by making small changes in their daily lives, viewers send enthusiastic responses to their healthy relationship. The drama portrays what it is like to know how to truly take care of one’s self.

Credit: JTBC

In that regard, Mi Joo breaking up with Sun Kyeom with “there is love only when there is a stable me” was disheartening, but understandable. It was a respectful choice she made under pressure from Sun Kyeom’s father, and it was the only way she could remain independent.

Run On, which had provided only non-toxicity through healthy values and mature characters, also sends a message to ‘protect yourself even in hardships in love’ through the breakup. It also makes viewers anticipate another moment of overcoming the hardship.

Credit: JTBC

The production crew explained, “As Sun Kyeom and Mi Joo have their alone times, the two will be constantly reminded of each other as they live their changed lives. As they become stronger through the crisis, we ask you to support them with love.”

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