Season 3 of Netflix’s original show Busted! was listed on the Guinness World Records as it is receiving great love from all around the world
As the clumsy detectives who were reunited as one to run towards the end of a bigger conspiracy, Busted! Season 3‘s main poster has been listed on Guinness World Records as the world’s smallest magazine advertisement.
The show’s tiny poster appeared on page 64 of the Variety magazine on January 14th (local time). The said poster is 1.712cm wide and 2.529cm long, resulting in a 4.329sq. cm. It was listed as the new smallest poster after being smaller than the previous listing of 4.63 sq. cm.
In order to meet the qualifications of Guinness’s “the world’s smallest magazine advertisement,” the adjudicator must be able to fully identify the picture or the information stated on the poster. The protocols are strict as it needs to pass challenging conditions.
Matching the purpose of the mystery series, the poster was meant to be looked at with a magnifying glass. As it brought joy to fans all over the world with such ingenious poster, it was the talk of the town. Now with the Guinness World Record, the show has once again drawn everyone’s attention. As a leader of the group of sloppy detectives, Yoo Jae Suk left a photo of him holding the official certificate for the record with a bright smile.
Making headlines with clever advertisements, Busted! Season 3 has proved its popularity as it rose to South Korea’s TOP 10 content. The show is available on Netflix.
Source: Netflix
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