SHINee’s Minho Has Returned as a “Real Man”

Credit: GQ Magazine

SHINee’s Minho heralded the return of a “real man.”

In a pictorial and interview with GQ Korea, Minho looked back on what he gained through his military service, saying, “I learned more clearly about who I am.”

After being discharged from the marine corps, Minho is preparing for his full-fledged activities. He recently made a special appearance in the drama Lovestruck in the City and delighted fans with his stunning visuals. “One of my favorite words is the first. When I was standing in front of the camera for the first time after being discharged, I felt like I was starting anew. I can still vividly remember every situation, the atmosphere and the weather.”

Credit: GQ Magazine

Minho, who was reborn as a “real man” in the marine corps, said, “I thought deeply about myself and what I like or regret, and I got to find the new me. It’s not like something in me changed (with that thought), but I got to know better about the person I am.”

With Minho’s return as a civilian, SHINee is gearing up their comeback as a whole. “For a long time, SHINee has challenged many new things in terms of music and styling. These days, members and I are talking a lot about how to show SHINee’s unique color more distinctively by making good use of such artistic aspects,” he added.

Source (1)

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