Transgender in ‘The Penthouse: War in Life’? Turns Out to be Production Staff’s Mistake

Credit: SBS

Eugene’s character in The Penthouse: War in Life is not male nor transgender, but just female.

Today, portal sites and online communities heated up with the possibility of Oh Yoon Hee (Eugene) being a transgender person. However, the production team confirmed, “The ‘XY chromosome’ in the paper was a mistake in the prop.”

The latest episode of The Penthouse: War in Life had put the netizens in shock when Oh Yoon Hee was revealed to have an “XY chromosome.” Soon, netizens started to dig up Easter eggs in the poster and the character’s name to prove that Oh Yoon Hee is indeed a transgender.

But as it turns out, all of this was just a “happening.” The production staff clearly stated, “It was just a mistake in a prop. We will fix it so there will be further confusion.”

Source (1)

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