Netizens Thrown in Chaos as Eugene’s Character in ‘The Penthouse: War in Life’ May Turn Out to be a Transgender

The latest episode of The Penthouse: War in Life has thrown netizens in chaos.

In the latest episode of SBS’s The Penthouse: War in Life, which aired on Dec 29, Shim Soo Ryeon (Lee Ji Ah) was seen hanging over the DNA test result to Oh Yoon Hee (Eugene). And the words written on the paper doubled the shock that came from the fact that Oh Yoon Hee is the killer of Min Seol Oh, Shim Soo Ryeon’s daughter.

Credit: SBS

Shim Soo Ryeon analyzed the DNA from the fingernail found during her daughter’s autopsy, and the result was a match with Oh Yoon Hee. Shocked by the truth, she presented the paper to Oh Yoon Hee herself, but what caught the attention is the part where the sex chromosome was written – “XY chromosome.”

Soon, the debate over Oh Yoon Hee’s gender flooded online communities. One netizen wrote that Oh Yoon Hee, the character played by Eugene in the drama, is also the name of Korea’s first transgender who appeared in the 1991 film Does the American Moon Rise Over Itaewon?

Credit: SBS

Some also pointed out that the hint about Oh Yoon Hee’s gender has been inside the main poster all along. Unlike other actresses who are either sitting on a chair or on a floor, Eugene is the only one standing alone with men. Oh Yoon Hee was also described as a woman who had more power than most male characters in the drama, putting the weight on her being transgender.

Source (1)

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