‘Royal Secret Agent’ Kwon Nara Becomes a Girl-Crush as Chosun’s Only Female Royal Inspector

Credit: KBS

Kwon Nara is drawing attention as she plays the role of Hong Da In, the only female royal inspector in KBS2’s Mon-Tues drama, Royal Secret Agent.

Credit: KBS

On an episode of Royal Secret Agent aired on the 28th, Hong Da In (played by Kwon Nara) disguises herself as a courtesan to carry out the royal inspector’s mission. In the middle of an investigation of the disappearance of Park Chul Gyu (played by Kim Seung Soo), she takes care of Sa Wol (played by Kim Joo Young) who was being attacked while trying to expose a secret and ends up helping her to give birth. However, due to her injury, Sa Wol dies as Da In discovers that she gave birth to a child of Kang Jong Gil (played by Han Jae Seok), who is Hyun Gam’s son.

The chemistry between Da In and her fellow secret royal inspector Lee Kyum (played by Kim Myung Soo) is also notable. As she consoles Lee Kyum for his pasts in which he lost his lover, and tells him that he’s a “good person,” the couple is unraveling romantic chemistries which excite viewers.

As Kwon Nara leaps from sincerity to cleverness, to ‘girl-crush’, she portrays the multi-dimensional character of Hong Da In. It is anticipated which sides of Hong Da In Kwon Nara will show in the future.

The drama, Royal Secret Agent, will be aired every Monday and Tuesday at 9.30 p.m. KST on KBS 2TV.


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