‘Hush’ Im Yoon Ah Gets Determined As Hwang Jung Min Tells Her to be a True Journalist

Creidt: JTBC

Hwang Jung Min’s change in character and Im Yoon Ah’s first meaningful step has touched the viewers of Hush.

Creidt: JTBC

The 5th episode of JTBC’s Fri-Sat series Hush aired on the 25th, as it showed Han Joon Hyuk (Hwang Jung Min) and Lee Ji Soo (Im Yoon Ah)’s re-investigation of Rep. Ko along with the launch of an investigative report team, ‘H.U.S.H’. The show draws viewers’ attention as drastic changes occur in KoreaDaily.

Meanwhile, the emotional distance between Han Joon Hyuk and Lee Ji Soo did not cease. When asked by Joon Hyuk which department she wanted to transfer to, Ji Soo replied, “I’m not transferring. I will stay right here in the digital news department and keep an eye on what you will do for Soo Yeon.” Determined after listening to her, Joon Hyuk drags her to the press room in the police station. Ji Soo got passionate as he told her, “if you don’t want to be unqualified like me, you should learn and train properly to become a real reporter.”

Creidt: JTBC

The real tension sets in as Han Joon Hyuk told the story of producer Lee Yong Min, for who he is guilty. Lee Ji Soo soon discloses that producer Lee Yong Min who Joon Hyuk has led to the death is her father, leaving viewers in shock. Consequently, Han Joon Hyuk finally faces the truth. For the last 6 years, their relationship was entangled with resentment, anger, and deep guilt. The complex emotions portrayed by the two’s tears made viewers more so emotional.

Creidt: JTBC

The next and 6th episode of Hush will be aired at 11 p.m. KST on the 26th through JTBC.


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