Who Looks Better in a Crown than Song Hye Kyo?


Credit: W Korea
Credit: W Korea

Song Hye Kyo, a long-loved actress and style icon in Asia, released her first pictorial and interview of the new year under the theme of “New Year, New Me” through W Korea. Her new pictorial is a tribute from W Korea, Song Hye Kyo and Chaumet to all the women seeking a new and fresh look by discovering their potential through constant development.

After the photoshoot, Song Hye Kyo talked about her future plans during the interview. “It seems like media platforms and channels these days are inspiring diversity in the female characters,” said Song. “I am delighted that more and more interesting works are crossing genres and that scripts of various genres are being offered.”

She then continued, “I wanted to reduce the gap between the works as much as I could, but sometimes it doesn’t always go as planned. Now, I want to be more flexible in choosing the project, and I am promising myself to take part in a project next year.”

Credit: W Korea
Credit: W Korea
Credit: W Korea

To the question “What type of person comes to mind when you think of a person you hate,” Song answered, “Someone’s who is ignoble. Someone who distorts the truth. When I think back, it has never lasted long with those who couldn’t accept the truth.”

She added, “It’s impossible to fully understand others. However, having two faces will be revealed one day. It’s just a matter of how long it takes.”

Source (1, 2)

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