Rain Wooed Kim Tae Hee for a Whole Year Before the First Date?

Credit: “Season B Season” YouTube

Rain talked about how long it took for him to go on a first date with Kim Tae Hee, also known as “Korea’s goddess.”

In the most recent episode of the web-entertainment show “Season B Season,” Rain visited his fan’s house with Jang Sung Kyu and cooked a meal for them. While Rain was preparing for the food, Jang asked the fans if they got upset when Rain’s marriage was announced.

Then the fans replied, “I wondered why Kim Tae Hee fell for Rain,” and jokingly added that they believed Tae Hee could do better. They then asked Rain, “So who fell for whom first?” Rain cooly answered, “Me, of course. I asked her out first, and it took about a year wooing before we actually dated,” and added, “So it was unrequited love for a year.”

Meanwhile, Rain married Kim Tae Hee in 2017 and has two daughters.

Source (1)

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