Run On has unveiled its splendid lineup for OST singers.
On Dec 16, FLEX M announced the OST lineup for the upcoming drama Run On, which is set to premiere today.
According to their announcement, the list includes Baek Ji Young, 2F (Shin Yong Jae & Kim Woo Joo), Kim Na Young, MAMAMOO’s Solar, GFRIEND’s Yuju, Lovelyz’s Kei, MONSTA X’s Jooheon and THE BOYZ.
JTBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama Run On is about a track star, who has veered off course from his preset path, following his own pace and heart for the first time after a film translator steps into his life. It will follow people who each sprint at different speeds and ways towards each others’ finish line in an era where communication has become difficult. It will premiere today at 9 p.m. KST.
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