‘Hospital Playlist 2’ Filming Postponed to January + Programmed to Premiere in April

Credit: tvN

The season 2 of tvn’s Hospital Playlist postponed its filming to January. But still, the drama has been programmed to premiere in April.

Earlier today, Daily Sports reported that Hospital Playlist 2 postponed its table read and filming.

According to the report, an insider said, “The second season of Hospital Playlist originally planned to start filming after the first table read this month, but the entire schedule was pushed back to January next year.”

This delay is mostly due to the fact that the increase in the social-distancing level to 2.5 bans actors from gathering for a table read. The revised schedule is table read on Jan 6 and first filming on Jan 11.

However, according to OSEN, the second season of Hospital Playlist will premiere in April 2021.

The first season of Hospital Playlist aired from March to May this year and drew enthusiastic responses from viewers. It depicts the story of five medical school graduates of the same class working at the same hospital, a place known as the microcosm of life – where someone is being born and someone’s life meets their ending. In the new season, the unfinished story will come to an end while some characters were newly added and some exited.

Source (1, 2)

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