Yoo Da In & Oh Jung Se’s ‘I Don’t Fire Myself’ to Be Released in January

Credit: Jinjin Pictures

The film I Don’t Fire Myself released the first poster that stimulates expectations with new images of Yoo Da In and Oh Jung Se.

I Don’t Fire Myself captures Jung Eun’s journey and struggles to get back her original position after being sent to a subcontract office for a year.

Then on Dec 15, the first poster that catches the eyes with the intense title logo shows Jung Eun (Yoo Da In) and Jung Eun’s only supporter Maknae (Oh Jung Se) setting off somewhere in their work clothes.

Jung Eun, who was considered an excellent employee at work, suddenly faces a resignation under instruction. Having been offered to instate her if she works at a subcontract office for a year, Jung Eun accepts the offer but soon faces an entirely different kind of challenge. Maknae feels compassion for Jung Eun, who is left alone in the hostile situation, and becomes her only supporter.

In the upper left corner of the poster, the fact that Oh Jung Se won the Actor Award at the 21st Jeonju International Film Festival is labeled, raising expectations for the two actors’ ensemble.

Will I Don’t Fire Myself become a movie that delivers the energy to “protect my work and tomorrow” from the beginning of next year?

Meanwhile, I Don’t Fire Myself is scheduled to be released in January 2021.

Source (1)

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