Kim Woo Bin Gives an Update with a Big Smile and Says “I’m will greet you next winter”

Credit: Vogue Korea YouTube

Kim Woo Bin gave an update on his recent life with a big smile.

Vogue Korea released an interview with Kim Woo Bin on Dec 2 with the title “Met the real Kim Woo Bin. Let’s look into the details of his life.”

To the question of what he has been up to these days, he said, “I’m shooting for movies these days, and my day and night have completely flipped. I film for 4 to 5 days a week, and for the rest of the time, I recompose myself. I’m trying to stay healthy and meet my friends.”

“My new hobby is going on walks,” he added. “Maybe it’s because I’ve hit my 30s, but I love to see nature, and I go on walks in nearby parks. Then I feel my heart is purified.”

Kim Woo Bin said to his fans, “I would love to make time to meet you. Last year’s fan meeting was especially meaningful for me, so I want to meet you guys as soon as possible.” To the question “When can we meet you?” he answered, “It could change, but most likely next winter.”

Finally, the actor said, “Rather than having a grand plan or goal, I try to live every day to the fullest and have a blast in the rest of the year 2020. And since I will spend this year filming a movie, I hope there won’t be any troubles.”

Source (1)

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