Ladies’ Code’s Sojung Musters Up Her Courage to Sing Once Again and Netizens Cheer for Her

Credit: JTBC

Ladies’ Code’s Sojung appeared on JTBC’s new music audition program Sing Again and shed tears thinking about her late groupmates RiSe and EunB.

In the latest episode of Sing Again, Ladies’ Code’s Sojung got on stage to sing once again. Introducing herself as someone who “had cried a lot,” Sejung got on stage as singer #11, “I’m a singer who wants to laugh now.”

Sojung opened up, saying, “Although it has been quite a while (after the accident), people still react ‘that poor kids’ and that’s really upsetting. I think that’s something I need to overcome.” She then sang Yim Jae Bum’s “The Flight” with the hope of people seeing and realizing her efforts, and the judges all pressed the “again” button.

With tears, she said, “I continued my career even after the accident, but now that I think about it, their absence was too big. I still wonder if it’s okay for me to laugh on stage. I wanted to give people joy and happiness, but when people see us with pity, I feel like I shouldn’t laugh.”

When judge Kim Eana asked her, “Are you receiving therapy?” Sojung answered, “Yes, I’m receiving treatments and taking medicine steadily.”

Meanwhile, Ladies’ Code was involved in a car crash that resulted in the deaths of EunB and RiSe in September 2014.

Source (1, 2)

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